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My Opinion Story

The gun problem in the United States is an epidemic. Weapons of destruction now lay in the hands of the mentally ill, criminals, and children. All people who have no business handling a killing machine.

It is seemingly evident that there is no place where we are safe. Schools, churches, concerts, and clubs all have witnessed a mass shooting in the past 2 years. With each  disaster we have seen, the problem gets worse. We need to stop this from happening again in the future.

 Not only have we had to watch these shootings happen; we have had to watch lawmakers do little to nothing about guns every single time. Nothing was passed after Sandy Hook, nothing was passed after the shooting at Pulse, nothing was passed after Las Vegas, and still not much has been passed after the most recent mass shooting at a high school in Parkland.

 People say arm the teachers, put more armed guards, up the security. We should not have to arm more people, or up the security, all of it could be solved if they just addressed the real problem. They always like to blame something else, like how in Parkland a school officer ran outside, instead of going inside and facing the shooter.

 I like to bring it all the way back, bottomline if there were no guns at all, then there would be no shootings. It is very unlikely that someone could sit in their hotel room overlooking the Vegas Strip and wound over 400 , and kill 50 people by throwing knifes down into the crowd.

 They say that it is their right to own guns, to own a killing machine. Guns are not a tool, they are a weapon, and a weapon only, something built solely to end another. Why do we follow something written over 200 hundred years ago, when all they had were rifles and pistols. If the technology has aged over time, why have the regulations not. If we were to modernize our gun laws maybe we would not have massacres every other week. 

By not allowing someone to buy a gun, because of a background check that showed they were mentally ill, who knows what tragedy we could be preventing, or lives being saved, is that really not worth the inconvenience.

 We need a national confrontation on gun laws now, who knows when tragedy will strike again, or where, or who will fall victim next. This something we should not have to worry about in a country based on the principles of living a free, happy life.


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