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Student of the Month Interview.

1How do you feel being named student of the month?
2How do think getting recognition for what you have done effect you, and how you move forward?
3Will you continue to stay as hard working as previously now that you have been named student of the month?
4What do you say to someone that says they want to be student of the month?
5Has achieving this made you want to aim your sights even higher?
6 Do you think what you did to get named student of the month was worth it?
7Has anything changed for you, now that you have been named student of the month?
8 Did you want to been named student of the month?
9 Is there any other award or goal you have set you have set for yourself at the moment?
10In the future when you look back, do you think you will be proud of achieving this?
11What are your reasons behind wanting to being named student of the month?
12Do you encourage other people to try to get named student of the month.
13How long have you been trying to achieve this?
14What does student of the month mean to you?
15 Do you think hardworking students like yourself should  be rewarded more?
16 Has being student of the month changed how you think about school?
17 Given you know have a platform now,  is there anything you would like to say?
18 What motivated you to achieve this?
19 What kind of skill set do you think is needed to become student of the month?
20 Was there anything on your journey here that was hard or caused a setback?


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