Hollywood speaks out about sexual assault in the workplace. 1. The story was written by Kiran Patel 2. About the movement Time's Up. 3.That the movement Time's Up, and groups similar will be essential to ending the problem of sexual misconduct. 4.No they did not. 5. No they did not 6. There are no quotes. 7. First. Sensationalism is taking over mainstream journalism. 1. Jake Brien. 2.Their story is about how many news stations are turning to using things targeting specific demographics, or reporting questionable things, instead of staying pure to journalism, and not writing, or reporting things with bias. 3.Their opinion on the topic is that news sources should report news without bias, and that it is up to us on how we interpret the information we receive. " It seems that the mainstream media sources like CNN, Fox, and even alternative ones like the Dailiy Kos, are more concerned with using sensationalism than telling a story like it is in order to keep viewe...