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Architecture Preview

N1. Kansas City Public Library
1. Could not find an architect credited for it.

2.It was originally built as a bank in 1906, but was remodeled in 2004, where the new library went in.
3.It is located in Kansas City, Missouri
4.It is a public library.
5. The project cost around $50,000,000 to build.
6.The old library needed a change of location
7. I picked this building because I've been to Kansas City recently. All over the city there is very unique architecture the varies were you go in the city, from marble columns to, lots if glass. The city also houses a lot of unique history, and culture.
N2. Cubic Houses
1.Piet Blom was the architect
2. They houses were constructed in 1974, and 1977
3. Built in Heldom and Rotterdam
4.They are private houses owned by people, but one has opened self as a "show cube" giving tours and such of what its like to live in one of the cube houses.
5. I could not find any information on how much they cost to build.
6. There is no real reason this project was built, It was just an idea.
7. I picked these houses,  because just seeing, or hearing "cubic houses" makes you want to know more.  The houses are not what I first pictured when I thought of cubic houses. I thought maybe they would just be square houses , but they're actually at a 45% angle on top of a tower.
N3 Atomium
1.Andre Waterkyen, and Andre, and Jean Polak were the architects of Atomium
2. It was constructed in in 1958
3.It was built in Brussels, Belgium
4. It is a public building, and is now a museum.
5. The most recent renovation cost 26 million Euros
6.The Atomuim was built for the 1958 Worlds Fair, and was not even supposed to survive six months after the fair ended, but since people liked it so much they have kept and it won't be destructed.
7. I chose this building because it has an interesting name. The building achieved multiple technological, and engineering feats. Im also interested in things from the old world fairs, to think people built things so massive not even intending for their wonderful creation to survive amazes me.
N4.Turning Torso
1.The architect is Santiago Calatrava.
2.The building opened in 2005
3.It is located in Malmo, Sweden
4. It is a private building, that houses apartments, and offices
5. I could not find an exact number, just that it cost twice it was estimated to cost.
6. It was built to re-establish a new symbol in the skyline of Malmo after a famous building had been deconstructed.
7.I picked this building, because I like the country Sweden and I was interested in learning more about it. The name turning Torso is also pretty unique. It is also kinda neat, how some guy saw this sculpture and wanted the guy to make a giant skyscraper out of it.
N5 Eden Project
1.The architect was a Nicholas Grimshaw
2.It was built in 2000, and opened in 2001.
3. It is located in Cornwall, England.
4.It is a tourist attraction
5.The Eden Project cost 141 million pounds to build
6.The building was built to educate people about the relationship between humans, and nature.
7. I picked this building because it sounded interesting. It is not everyday you giant geometrical spheres, and a giant bee in a garden.


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