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4 Websites

4 Websites

Advice To The Mind
On this website, it displayed many helpful, and useful tips to use for photography. But it was not just technical things like aperture, and I.S.O. These tips seemed like they were for the photographer instead of for photography if that makes any sense.
The site talked about how you should not doubt yourself, or to not worry about what gear or camera you have you can still take great photos. It revealed to me atleast why photography is so great, you don't really need to have much, just a camera, an idea, and the will to go out there and shoot. Its unique in the way that, other forms of art you have to have lots of money, or training, but you just have to pick up a camera and shoot.

 Projector Project
In the video, you see many different things in a forrest setting, getting illuminated by a projector. The video turns normal things in a forrest to a place to be landscape to be painted on.
The project was done by photographer Tarek Mawad, and animator Friedrich van Schoor. They used a powerful projector in nature, then captured the results on camera.

Style Trial
The website talks about having a certain style to your photos. You use your photos to define who you are and what it means to be you. From this site I learned that you have to try to stray away from the common cliches of photography. To find certain distinctive features about yourself, and try to put those things in your work so they represent you as a person. So when someone sees your work in public, there is a meaning to the "photograph by____" at the bottom. This article relates to photography because, it tells you to try to be yourself and be creative when taking pictures. We are all unique individuals, and we all do things that try and display that certain thing that makes "us" us. And I think thats what photography is really about, defining who we are ,wether whats captured, or who's capturing the photo.

The Path to a good Portrait
This website is giving advice on how to take a good portrait, but it surprised me. When I saw the title I thought it was just going to be another run of the mill thing about position and things like that. But it has some information and advice I really did not even think about, and some things I think can really be helpful. Like taking into consideration on how the model or subject is feeling, or on taking pictures specifically of babies. Things that remind you that, its not always as simple as just, holding a button down and you have a photo. It gives some depth into how diverse photography can really be at certain times and situations.


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