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top 100 photos #1

Andreas Gurkst
Born: January 15th, 1955
Leipzig, East Germany
Attended Kunstakademie Dusseldorf

1.I picked the image 99 cent by Andreas Gursky. I picked 99 cent as one of my 5 photos, because when your are scrolling through the top 100 page, this photo just catches your eye. I think this photo catches your eye so well, because of all the colors, and how it just pops. 
99 Cent (Andreas Gursky, 1999
2.The photo is of a store, and displays all the rows and ials of goods, and then there is the reflection of everything in the back wall. This photo seems to capture a part of daily life, by taking something people see often, and giving it a new angle or meaning .
3. When looking at the additional information, on the photo. You learn that this picture is of a 99 cent store, only in Los Angeles. At the time it was sold, it held the record for the most expensive piece of contemporary photography of all time, and sold at auction at 2.3 million dollars. The record has since been surpassed.   
Bahrain 1 (Andreas Gurksy, 2005)


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