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American soldier

I think the most powerful image is the one with the caption, life changing decision , at age 17.
I think this is the most powerful image, because you can see in his face, that after this, you really can't come back.

The images work together in creating a story, because it lets you see What Ian fisher is went through during his journey of enlisting into the army, and fighting in Iraq.

Ian Fisher enlisted in the army, right after high school, over and over again he struggled with the discipline in the army, almost getting booted out multiple times. He went through many different relationships over the course of this period of time, and the friends and people he knew before the army grew further apart.  After finally going to Iraq, Fisher seemed to be a good soldier, and for the most part followed all commands given. After returning from Iraq, Fisher and his girlfriend Devin, got married.

In the photos which feature Ian as the main subject, they are mostly written in present tense form.

On average there are 2-3 sentences per caption.
The first sentence of the captions provide what is going on in the pictures.
The second sentence of the captions provide the information, of why the action in the photo is. happening, or just background information you can not gain by looking at the photo
If there is a third sentence, it usually includes a quote.
Yes Many of the captions feature a quote, usually in the third sentence.
In the caption titled Self-Discipline, the caption is made of four sentences.

You can tell a story with just captions, and photos, because the saying a picture is worth a thousand words comes into play, while we can gain information by reading words on a page, you can see much more just by looking at something. Captions provide loose guidelines for our brains to follow so we can more accurately picture the scenario.

While you could write a story, with just pictures, and captions, I don't think it would be the best story, while captions give us guidelines, a story gives us directly what happened.


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