4 Websites Advice To The Mind https://petapixel.com/2014/12/31/10-photography-resolutions-new-year/ On this website, it displayed many helpful, and useful tips to use for photography. But it was not just technical things like aperture, and I.S.O. These tips seemed like they were for the photographer instead of for photography if that makes any sense. The site talked about how you should not doubt yourself, or to not worry about what gear or camera you have you can still take great photos. It revealed to me atleast why photography is so great, you don't really need to have much, just a camera, an idea, and the will to go out there and shoot. Its unique in the way that, other forms of art you have to have lots of money, or training, but you just have to pick up a camera and shoot. Projector Project https://petapixel.com/2015/01/01/projector-brought-forest-turns-nature-glowing-wonderland/ In the video, you see many different things in a forrest setting, getting illuminated...