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Showing posts from September, 2017


(Photo taken at 200 iso) (Photo taken at 6400 iso) 1. The advantages of shooting at a higher iso, during an event like a basketball game, is that having a higher ISO can capture things at very high speeds, without having blur in the photo. 2. The author suggests using high ISO during moments with action, and for lowlight pictures without a flash. 3.The author suggests using a lower ISO setting, when inside in a well lit area, to capture the most amount of detail possible. Camera Simulator. 1. The camera has the aperture settings of 2.8-22. 2.Shutter speeds of 1 sec-1/4000 sec. 3.ISO settings of 100-25,600.

Shutter Speed.

(Photo taken at high shutter speed) Day 1. High Shutter Speeds(f)(d)(c) I choose these, because all these have people doing things in them. Low Shutter speeds, (b)(a), Just things. Night High shutter speeds, (e) Low Shutter speeds,(c) These scenarios take place inside, or in a place with light (Photo taken at low shutter speed) 1. the three Settings regarding on how your shutter speed is chosen, Auto, a mode that automatically has the camera choose both your shutter speed, and your aperture. The next mode, Shutter priority. This mode lets you choose your shutter speed, but the camera selects your aperture for you. The third mode Manual. Manual has you set both your shutter speed, and your aperture to be whatever you want them to be.


(F/16, photo cropped down, to not display white lines that bordered the photo.) 1.We should closely relate aperture to our eyes (I cropped this photo down, to only display f/2.8 aperture.) 2. The smaller the f/stop, the higher aperture. 3.Apeture affects our DOF, because it affects what is in focus, or closer.

Academic Shoot reflection & critique.

1. I would say the most, I would not call it difficult, but more like annoying thing out of the rules set would be , that the photo has to contain "academics" inside it. I found this annoying, because while shooting people doing things in these classrooms, I feel as if there are other things that have a better essence of "academics", but it appeared atleast to me that the precedent set had people doing academic things. 2. The thing I found myself thinking about the most, was the angle in which the picture was being taken, because to me, the right angle can make a picture of anything an interesting and good photo. 3. If I could do this assignment again, I think the thing I would change, would be were I went while shooting, because I'm wondering what other things there could have been to take photos of. 4. If I were to do this assignment again, the things I would keep the same, would definitely be going to the band hall, while somewhat contradicting, the ban...

Photo During Academic Shoot

While this photo does not include any "academics" I took it, and it really just catches my eye, and I like it, it gives off a weird illusion.

BandPhoto 3 (Academic Shoot)

This photo, again of people playing the saxophone, I did not really follow any composition rules, except for lines. There is no no one main subject, but I would say that the person in the white shirt stands out the most, because all the other players, are wearing dark colored shirts., To make it easy to declare a main subject, I would have probably taken the picture from a different angle.

Band photo 2 (Academic Shoot)

In this picture I followed the rules of rule of thirds, and Lines, and it may also include balance. The subject of this photo, is the saxophone players playing, there is no one person that is the main subject.

Band Photo. (academic Shoot)

In this photo, I followed the composition rule/s of, Rule of thirds, aswell as the rule of simplicity. The subject in this photo, is the student in front playing Saxophone, and he is the main subject of this photo, but has the other players in the background but he is in focus. Now I probably could have done a better job of avoiding mergers, because it may be hard to see where his head ends, and the person next to him head begins.

Photo Manipulation, and Ethics

What I got out of this article was that manipulation of photo's has been around ever since the camera became widely used. But with time the manipulation of photos has not not stopped, only the rules have.  In this new age of advanced technology, many things have not only become easier, but things not thought to ever be a possibility.  As the ethics for photographic manipulation is yet to be set in stone, time has continued on making the manipulation of photos much faster than previously executed.  But while many media outlets, have strict rules when coming to the matter, it seems others just have "loose" guidelines when it comes to photo manipulation. As evidently seen in the current events happening right now, and we can hopefully learn that in order to set a precedent, all of a certain type must be held to the same standard. No opinions, only fake and real, and right and wrong. We must act on this quickly before the meaning of something being fact, is changed forever. T...

Harry Callahan( Black and White Masters Of Photography Pt.2)

Harr Morey Callahan was born in Detroit Michigan, on October 22nd 1912. Callahan studied Chemical engineering, and business at Michigan State University, before taking a job at Chrysler in 1936. Callahan started his career as an amateur photography, and then two years later joined Chrysler's Camera Club in 1938. Another two years later joined Detroit's photo guild in 1941, after a workshop with Ansel Adam. Soon after Callahan devoted his career solely to photography. After gaining a strong enough reputation, he was invited to teach at Chicago's Institute of Design. Callahan's pictures often displayed his wife Eleanor, and just random pedestrians that he found and photographed them. Harry Callahan died, March 15th 1999.

Academic 2012 favorite photo

When looking through the academic & community services section of the contest winners of the 2012 edition  of the Jostens photo contest, the one that is my favorite is a photo titled, "Drop the Bass". I liked this photo, because it really caught my eye, it has lots of color, and in my opinion I think its jut a really cool picture. In my opinion this photo does not follow any other rules of composition, besides simplicity, and maybe framing. 1. One thing that I notice about all these photos in the contest, is that they all display action, actions and activities being displayed in the form of photography, so  I would say the best place to get a photo for this contest would be anywhere people are doing something. 2.As of this moment, I don't really have any specific ideas for whose classroom I would like to shoot in. I just have not really thought of which one is most probable to have things going on. 3.To get amazing photos, like the ones displayed in this contest,...

The Story

When asked which photo out of the Academic activities category has the most displayed story I chose the photo Sparks Flying.  When I first saw this photo,  I immediately thought of the hard work and dedication I saw in the persons face,  while working on whatever project she was working on. When I see this picture I see someone's pride being crafted into something 

Action and Emotion

I chose this photo for action and emotion,  because I think the action of singing,  is pretty clearly expressed in the picture. (Photo, Rising Star) 

Filling the frame

I chose this photo for filling the frame,  because of the central subject,  but then it has many different industrial things filling the background (Photo name,  Concentration) 

Post Shoot Reflection

1. I had difficulty trying to get my photo for square, i knew i wanted to line up all different rows of the medal statue to form a shape resembling a square. While I was out shooting I was having trouble actually seeing a square from an array of many different views, and angles. I ended up choosing the photo I did, because it was the one that closely represented a square. 2. I found myself thinking about the framing of the photos quite frequently, because I was always trying to make sure I didn't have anything I did not want in my photos. 3-4.If I was to redo this assignment, I don't think I would change what I was necessarily doing with the photos, but more looking at different things to take pictures of. 6. I might be interested in shooting these same prompts again, because now with my new knowledge of composition, I might be able take better photos for the prompts than I was able to do previously. 1. I liked the happy photo, because it...


I chose this photo for simplicity, because it is simply just a subject, in the background is fairly bland, so your eye is focused on the subject primarily.

Avoiding Mergers

I chose this photo, because it does not do a very good job of avoiding mergers. As the plane is a very similar color to the building, and this make it somewhat confusing to understand what is happening when you first look at the photo.

Rule of thirds

This photo displays Rule of thirds, by having the main subject in the upper right hand corner, rather than it being close-up and in the center of the photo. In this photo I think it makes a big difference,because it is also displaying the skyline,  as if it were just a normal day.


I thought this photo displayed the framing composition It has multiple smaller buildings to act as the frame, and the cloud to act as the subject. I think this photo displays framing, because the broken window, looks as if it is encasing the first responder.


I thought this photo displayed balance, because of the contrast of the destroyed dark room, and the bright light shining inside the room. Which makes it seem full. 


I think this photo displays lines because of the lines in the building it really catches your eye, but the gash in the building's side really draws your attention, that it was something all parell but now it something broken, and out of form.

Prompt Shoot #1

Bowie- I think I followed the rules of Rule of thirds, because the subject is not in the middle of the picture, I also think that this photo follows balance, because of the color red,  with the color bashe in the background. Square I  think I followed the rules of  framing, but i think that I did not avoid mergers very well. But I think I followed lines, because the pattern formed with all the lines Metal- I think this photo follows, Rule of thirds, because the grate is off center, and I also think that this follows lines. Happy- I think this photo follows balance,  the  pink of the flowers, seems to contrast fairly well with the light blue sky in the background. I also think that this photo follows simplicity, because it is just the flowers, and the sky in the background.